About Terra Deva, the place for research and interspecies communication with all beings – and the pioneer of nature cooperation: Eike Braunroth
“The basic idea of deep cooperation with nature is love.”
(Eike Braunroth)
This article takes you into the history and spiritual environment of Terra Deva, a protected 6-hectare area dedicated to interspecies communication and part of the MarIsis Nature Temple in Tamera.
My longing to come into contact with nature and its many-faced inhabitants was awakened when I met Jürgen Paulick, ecologist and peace gardener, in Tamera in 2000. He had come to the emerging healing biotope in his red pickup truck to live here in community, build a peace garden and inspire people to make contact with the land and all the beings living there.
His teacher, Eike Braunroth, social pedagogue, seminar leader and author, coined the term “cooperation with nature”. He founded the association of the same name and prepared Jürgen for this great vision. As one of his students, I enjoyed a wonderful education in cooperative gardening and, above all, in the perception and study of natural processes.
Together with Sabine Lichtenfels, Jürgen Paulick laid the foundations for an ecological peace project that promotes understanding between all beings and is also open to spiritual beings. Sabine Lichtenfels was enthusiastically involved in making spiritual contact.
Unfortunately, Jürgen died about 2 years after his promising start. A great loss for Tamera. The vision continued to work in their hearts, and after Sepp Holzer, the founder of Holzer’s Permaculture Method, visited Tamera, the vision of a concrete place of research where cooperation with all living things can be studied was reawakened. Further information here.
Sepp Holzer – Holzer’s Permaculture Method
The achievements and impulses that Sepp Holzer brought to Tamera, especially with regard to the creation of the lake landscape and the sustainable use of rainwater, are great. His approach of inviting pigs, chickens and other animals as collaborators and friends in land management was also very inspiring for further considerations and plans.
First Steps to realize the vision
In 2013, Sabine Lichtenfels, Heike Kessler and Katja Müller founded “Terra Deva”, a 6-hectare area for interspecies communication and peace work with nature, embedded in the MarIsis landscape temple.
Heike Kessler was particularly enthusiastic about Eike Braunroth’s peace work in the garden and became his student and friend. Katja Long was particularly inspired by Holzer’s permaculture and the cooperation with chickens and wild animals. Sabine Lichtenfels became patron of the MarIsis Landscape Temple and explored contact with all beings, especially on a mental and spiritual level. The teacher and forefather of the Cooperation Garden, Eike Braunroth, was present as a friend and advisor through his deep research into cooperation with all beings. The team grew over the years.
In the online course: Cooperation with All Beings, I had the opportunity to have several conversations with Heike and Eike about the deep and intimate connection between humans and all other beings, visible and invisible. The necessity and the call for help to us humans to fundamentally rethink our contact with life and all its beings is addressed here in a touching and existential way.
Peace work inside and out – Eike’s life path
The reason for the hunger was not the slugs that kept eating the salad. The reason lay elsewhere. In the 1960s, he heard about the Findhorn community in Scotland. Their practice of talking to angels inspired him. Their unconventional horticulture, which was based on cooperation with the spirit beings of the plants, produced overwhelming results.
Eike was concerned with the question: “What is man’s spiritual task on this earth?”
From his point of view, man has the task of taking responsibility for all beings on earth and in the universe. He began researching cooperation in his own garden. He observed that the
snails crawled past the lettuce heads and preferred to eat wild herbs. He researched quietly for many years and only later began to make his experience public. After the death of his life partner, with whom he had been happily married for 40 years, the topic of cooperation with nature intensified once again. He learned to discover himself as his best friend. This brought a new great happiness into his life.
He now recognizes cooperation with nature as cooperation with his own life.
When asked what the basic idea of deep cooperation with nature is, Eike answers:
“The basic idea, and this is very simple, is love.”
Love is something that we all bring with us to earth. Many people think they cannot love because they have only experienced the opposite in their lives. But this also shows that love reigns within them: “Otherwise they would not be able to recognize their opposite.”
In the following part, I would like to introduce you in outline to some aspects of Terra Deva, within the landscape temple MarIsis. My wish is to strengthen the spiritual field for a cultural formation that does justice to life and is committed to all beings. So that an interplay of the different forces and talents towards living peace becomes possible. I look forward to your cooperation.
Terra Deva – A place for interspecies communication and a deep reconnection with nature and all its beings.
Terra Deva is part of the emerging MarIsis Landscape Park – with stone circles, pilgrimage paths and other places of power throughout the Tamera site. It is assumed that the earth is a living being and that we can come into contact with all beings. The results of cooperation and communication flow into the work of ecology in Tamera. This is a concept of ecology that arises from love and compassion for all living things.
This place serves interspecies communication, contact and cooperation with plants, animals and all visible and invisible fellow creatures. This area is not about harvest quotas and yields, but about building trust with everything that lives. The idea is to learn how destroyed landscapes and biotopes can be regenerated in contact and cooperation with all beings. Conscious and unconscious enemy images are questioned and all beings are supported as co-inhabitants who want to interact with each other, as in a healthy organism.
What does communication with all beings mean?
Communication is more than the transfer of information through words. Communication is contact from center to center and is based on the phenomenon of resonance. We can communicate with all beings because they all have the same basic genetic structure and are able to resonate with each other. In other words, we are all organs of the One Being. Every being has a soul with which we can make contact. Some cultures use the word “deva” for this.
This is primarily about establishing direct communication with everything that lives. “We are not talking about beings here, but primarily with them. Being in cooperation with nature is a real research that constantly reveals new wonders to us.
All animals, even the so-called “pests”, are our potential friends and collaborators in the construction and maintenance of the garden.
In 2013, the team began cultivating the site, which had previously been overgrown with cistus and brambles. Animals such as pigs, chickens, bees and wildlife are collaborators and helpers.
The pioneers discover the power of some animals as spiritual companions who bring their own hidden soul patterns into consciousness in places where people previously reacted with fear or defense to so-called “pests”. The pioneers of Terra Deva seek and explore cooperation with wild animals such as wild boars, foxes and mongooses, with chickens but also with rats or invasive plants and learn to read in the living library of life.
Sabine Lichtenfels on the importance of Terra Deva:
“If we follow the path of cooperation with nature, we will one day realize that a word like paradise is no longer just a religious concept. “Rather, it is a mandate for our lives, actions and work.”
“A form is there to seduce and capture a force.” (Antonin Artaud)
Terra Deva combines ecological and artistic design.
Dieter Duhm: “Art comes from a deep connection with the world and creation. It comes from an inner willingness to constantly let go of the old and free oneself for the new.”
“New icons are born, a new visual and creative power that gives direction to the zeitgeist and a new power of imagination. Art is playing a major role in shaping the field for a new era.” (Sabine Lichtenfels)
Lukas Maurmann, a passionate artist, is currently playing a leading role in the design of the power places by creating sculptures.
Getting to know Terra Deva
Participants of some seminars can work at Terra Deva for a few days and participate directly in our work. If you have the impulse to get to know Terra Deva better or would like to support the work on this pilot project, you are welcome to contact the following e-mail address: contact@sabine-lichtenfels.com
For all topics related to public relations, please contact: marisis.lvdb@tamera.org
Further information can be found here on this website.
Further very important information on peace work with nature and opportunities for further training can be found at Eike Braunroth
Lee v.d. Bussche