The “white vine” was the card that gave me clear orientation last week.
Find your way back to the point where you are in primal trust, where you knew no fear.
What a statement!
I feel richly blessed – blessed by the touch of body and spirit.
Gifted by the source, whatever we want to call it – the primal mother – the goddess power, life – a primal point that we experience as divine, as sacred.
I have been able to experience the point where all definitions are silent – where emptiness mates with fullness, where that which holds all change becomes experience.
And I have felt held in the arms of the community, as the person I am by nature. I experienced the great “you are allowed”.
And I was able to experience community as it was meant to be when this project was founded.
It gave me hope again.
Behind all the pain in the world, behind the tears and fears, I could see the matrix where no war exists.
It was as if the universal power of love had reached out to us so that we could recognize and accept it in its purity and uncloudedness in our own hearts.
I knew it again in my own heart that we are meant to be different as humanity, that an entelechial purpose resides within us that will transcend war.
But I could also see that in order for this to happen, we must all see and flood through the repressed aspects of ourselves. We must allow the door of the heart to open and stay open.
A humanity that represses the primordial source, the primordial mother of all being, that does not recognize the divine in the body, will continue to repress and new wars will continue to emerge from pent-up energies.
There is a long road ahead of us, a deep road – but the memory of the primal source releases an enormous power, it allows pain and grief, but it also allows the overwhelming joy of this existence.
Thank you for the experience of this week. Thanks to the “White Leane”, the memory in our hearts of our true innocence and the point at which we did not yet know fear.
Foto: Christo Meierhöfer