The Fool has accompanied us through the last week.
“The truth is my greatest delight. With humor and courage I break conventions in the service of justice and liberation.
“I send you the courage to disobey.”
Are we really ready for the truth? Every day anew – a truth that is characterized by the fact that it is simply true?
Are you ready to stick to the truth every day? A truth that neither hurts nor condemns others.
A truth that leads to love. Truth – trust – love – healing. One cannot be real in the long term without the other.
We have used this week to renew and refresh these foundations for any true form of community. A small group has stepped out of the day to day tasks and together we are spending a school of love. We spent a week free from the internet and computers in MarIsis.
We focused on our sensual and physical side. Learn to stay in love. A body cannot lie.
It became clear to me once again: A spiritual source needs a non-lying life practice. How will you ever find enlightenment if you are not ready for the truth in small interpersonal matters?
It was a wonderful and very enriching week.
A new exercise every day: behave in such a way that your words, thoughts and actions create peace in yourself and your environment.
If you can really do it on a small scale, you will also be able to do it on a large scale.
Foto: Christo Meierhöfer