What movements! Abundance was last week’s card.
“I have experienced life in all its fullness, with empty hands.” I quoted this power sentence in the last message from the Ring of Power.
My week was a teaching unit on the topic of abundance. In order to understand and accept fullness, you have to be able to empty yourself.
How often did I have to pause because I felt that some things were too much abundance. Or because I discovered myself in inner dialogs or comments.
I was flooded with requests and information from all sides.
They were often surprisingly different from what I had expected.
And the same teaching unit over and over again. It starts with accepting what is.
It starts with being present and letting go of thoughts of what should or should not be.

When I watch the news, I keep getting the feeling: “We’ve landed in the wrong movie.” And at the same time, there are more and more messages showing us that people are ready to leave the old matrix. We had a moving seminar here in Tamera with people from Sudan, Palestine and Brazil. Peace activists with great courage and artistic drive. Thank you for that. It gives us courage and hope and also shows how much we need each other in order to persevere.

It is as if we as humanity were sent into the darkness of the night to recognize our true soul light there.
I had particularly deep conversations with our friends Claudio and Helen from the favela. The vision of the global campus still shines in our hearts.
Building decentralized models for peace!

How deeply we need to be ready for the inner system change to be able to do this is also becoming clearer and clearer. Thank you for the many lights of hope. This week the course starts the year group, “The 96”

And on July 4, my trip to New Mexico begins. I’m going on a vision quest, without water and food. It’s all quite “out of place.”

May it be a well-guided time!

Cosmogram from the Tamera stone circle: Vision quest