“The nurse” was our card for this week.
A wave of illness is going through Tamera – and it has also hit me. It feels like a wave of initiation is passing over our planet Earth and leading those who are willing into a new space of perception.
As far as my health allowed, I spent the week painting on the art mountain. Thoughts of planning and any kind of being too mundane wanted to remain silent. Instead, I listened deeply to what wants to be born anew.
It forms in powerful beauty before our eyes when we are silent deeply enough. It eludes any kind of definition, and if you try to name it too soon, it will elude you again.
Old patterns of interpretation do not work. It calls for humility, alertness and the quality of amazement at what is. In this space, it fills our soul with love and gratitude and a new spring fills our hearts.
And I still stand before the rubble of war history with a certain perplexity. I cannot and will not gloss over anything.
We had Dorit from Israel as our guest. She painted a wonderful shaman and said: It was a birthing process and suddenly I knew what I had to do. I have always called myself a peace worker. Now I can’t name it anymore, I just try to be at peace and really understand it.
And Cordula from the Terra Nova group of journalists has discovered her own wild nature.
Deep processes surprisingly come from within.