Most people from the Consejo (the elected council of the community) are still on the road in Mulatos. What the real occasion was, we will know tomorrow, because they are careful about spreading the news.

So we spend a lot of time talking to individual members of the community. Our main focus is and remains Brigida, from time to time individuals pass by our house, the joy of greeting is always great. Carlos, Brigida’s youngest son, Elias, the technician and all-rounder of the community, Louis Miguel, one of the young members of the Consejo, a very committed but shy man, are some of the few men who have shown up. They have all been to Tamera before and we share a deep bond of solidarity and friendship. Otherwise, it is mainly women. They carry and move a large part of the social life here.

We had a conversation with Louis Miguel of the Consejo, who stayed here. He describes the situation of the community from his point of view, he says that many things have become easier and more transparent since many have left the community. Those who have stayed know why.

He is 31 years old. He has started a correspondence course, mainly to become more knowledgeable in economic matters. He says many have had to leave, and probably still will, because of the challenging economic situation.

This year there is hardly any cocoa and so many do not have enough money and have to look for work somewhere to buy food.


Again and again he repeats: the situation is very complex.

He says that for some time they have been meeting with other South American groups, from Ecuador, Chile, Peru and Bolivia. The situation is very similar in many countries, he says.

They are grateful for the fidelity of Father Xavier Gildado, who is rarely here at this time because he is very involved in Bogota to present the true concerns of the community in the appropriate places, grateful for Gloria Guartas and her commitment, and many others.

When asked what they think of the new government, he says thoughtfully, “That they would also like to believe that it is a government that truly has humane interests, but that the situation as a whole is very challenging and it is very challenging under the conditions to maintain humane interests.

In the early evening our house becomes a gathering place of children, women, dogs and cats. Placho the musician, who is now 36 years old, Erika the wife of Arley, who pilgrimaged with us through the desert in Palestine, Hector, one of the older generation provides us with bananas, Brigida sits among us crocheting her bags with which she always earns some money. And the neighbor offers us tamales, a dish wrapped in large leaves, with vegetables, potatoes and some galinha. The first time I eat meat here in the community.