An eventful night is behind us! Between two and three o’clock there were shots in the neighborhood. It is like feeling the pressure that the community is constantly under on your own soul.
It is a huge upheaval, the old system of violence collides with a new system.
It is one thing to know the goal in theory, it is another to know how far one can penetrate through one’s own layers of fear, trauma, karma to the point that one is really able inwardly to represent the new system.
Autarkic life system will only be possible if we discover autarky inside, find out who we really are. Do we remain in trust when we do not know where we are going and trust that the goal is immanent to us?
Today is All Saints’ Day here in Colombia. Since the night of October 31 to November 7, there is a reflection on the dead and on what is truly sacred to them.
Brigida comes for breakfast. She talks about November 1 here and the night of October 31.
She says that the departed souls are especially close at this time, that is why there is so much going on at this time. She tells that sometimes when the children play near the chapel, they see figures dressed in white. “We are not alone, they are with us. Eduard never really dies, he’s with us because he knows we need him.” I ask her if she occasionally dreams of him. She denies, no in the dreams she has not seen him, but he and another friend who died in a massacre often appear to her quite unexpectedly, in the middle of the day. She prays every morning in the morning and also at night.
Finally, Brigida’s son Idomar arrives with his wife Ruby and his child. They do not find it so easy that the community has diminished. They think that the original idea of the founding geneartion has more and more fallen into the background.
Isidore, however, says with a firm tone: “The good thoughts cannot disappear even in these times. We live in a time of powerful trials. The younger generation lacks the revolutionary spirit, they can no longer really comprehend the pioneering spirit of the first generation. Why so radical, why not live a little more bequmer and simpler with each other?”
In the afternoon the Consejo comes back and we spend hours together asking what to do, how can we strengthen each other. I’ll tell you about that tomorrow when I find some time. It is all very moving.
Before we go to bed we meet the whole community, greet them and tell them our plan of Global Grace Day. A full day! Time for a good night’s rest to digest everything!