“Defend the sacred,” a slogan that originally came from the Standing Rock resistance movement in 2016, has become a widely recognized phrase which speaks to many groups worldwide. This phrase has proven to unite people from around the world through a common call of political resistance that is based in a connection to the spiritual world and to honoring the sacredness of life. From this movement we have seen a new realm of political activism arise, which utilized the power of the sacred as its strongest resource. It is the act of protest against violence and environmental destruction and injustice connected with the decision for protecting all that lives and is sacred to us. That which has been held as private or sacred, by individuals and institutions like the church, is now finding its voice and action on the ground through sacred activism.
For decades Sabine Lichtenfels, co-founder of Tamera Peace Research Center, has worked as a “sacred activist” around the world. She has traveled to and worked in crisis areas, walked thousands of kilometers activating political pilgrimages, and has initiated a weekly prayer meeting for an international circle of peace-workers to connect on the spiritual realm, every Monday, during sunrise. With this weekly action she strives to awaken consciousness for the highest potential of humanity to come through. She believes that when the peace movement realigns its goals with the whole, with creation and it‘s sacred power, the healing of the planet and all life, is possible.
It is with this intention that she hosts international gatherings with activists from the Standing Rock movement, water protectors, human rights activists and dedicated peace-workers.
Current actions
- Declaration of Nuwiaka, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta – Colombia November 19, 2024
- Retreat in Tamera from 5-8. October 2024
- Here is a short report about our vigil in Berlin – The first step has been taken.
- War Cannot Be Ended With War” – Peace Vigil in Berlin and Tamera
- Support the Defend the Sacred Colombia Pilgrimage 2024h