MarIsis Team – assistent of Sabine Lichtenfels
I was trained and worked as a classical singer and voice teacher before moving to Tamera. Today, I continue to be passionate about music and explore sound through the lens of healing. I research, what is the role of music in a new culture? How can we use the voice for healing and community building, for reconnection with the divine, with ourselves, with nature, and with all visible and invisible beings around us? I am currently working for the MarIsis-Team – school for feminine Peace Knowledge – as the assistant of Sabine Lichtenfels.
Heike Kessler
MarIsis Team – Terra Deva
My heart beats for the sacred alliance of all beings and I have dedicated my life to this topic. In 2013, together with Sabine Lichtenfels and Katja Müller, I founded Terra Deva, a place of power for interspecies communication, a place where a possibility of cooperation is developed for all visible and invisible fellow creatures in the animal and plant kingdoms. In our daily work we can experience and marvel at the wonders of the other reality. My very special love belongs to the pig soul and its healing from all suffering. For more than 10 years I have expanded my spectrum to communication and cooperation with wild boars. This work connects my spiritual being with my politically sympathetic heart.
Katharina Müller
MarIsis Team – Terra Deva
My work focuses on the research question: How do we integrate domesticated animals in the creation of a healing biotope? The love for animals and the work on the inner issues of humans (especially in the area of love and sexuality) shape my work and are closely linked at the core. Furthermore, I am active in landscape maintenance and look after our team house, we call it “Gracehaus” – meeting point for all research questions of MarIsis and Terra Deva.
Laura Czajkowski
MarIsis Team – assistent of Sabine Lichtenfels
I have been living, working and studying in Tamera, Healing Biotop since 2008, educating myself in the different areas of a new cultural model in creation.
I am currently working in the MarIsis team as an assistant of Sabine Lichtenfels, co-creating a new cultural impulse for peace and regaining the knowledge of the prehistoric, European elements for that like the Stone Circle, the Oracle, the landscape temple, the love school, the communication and cooperating with all beings and forces of life.Lee von dem Bussche
MarIsis Team – publik relation
As a naturopath for people and animals, healing between all beings is close to my heart. I love it when life comes back into order. In the MarIsis-Team, I am active in networking and public relations in addition to my own studies and I moderate the webinars of the Ring of Power. For several years now, I have been active in the development and realization of online courses on the terra-nova online platform. The idea is to work spiritually on essential core topics of the Healing Biotope Plan and to open up concrete experiences for interested people. I accompany interviews and webinars on the side of Sabine Lichtenfels and, together with Anne Meyer-Seeßelberg (from Germany), look after the section: Cooperation with all beings on this website. The idea for this new section arose from the touching feedback from the online course: Cooperation with all beings
The dog sanctuary of Tamera is very close to my heart and I love art as the basic elixir of life.
Lukas Mauermann
MarIsis Team – Tamera Arts
As a sculptor, lover and father, I examine imaginary worlds in and around me and test them to see if they are essential, healing and beautiful. The utopian substance of a social sculpture in which love and life itself, sexual desire and agape belong together and are lived or at least aspired to by myself and concrete people is at the center of this. For some time now, the -female- approach to the world as an earthly, bodily-sensual, animate world in which all beings, also places and even stones have information and want to communicate – if I, as a human subject, am ready for it- is becoming more and more interesting. In this sense I work in the healing biotope Tamera artistically on the landscape park “MarIsis”.