Fasten your seat belts: it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
It feels like everyone is now being challenged to let go of old ideas and habits that no longer serve our development.
Spiritual masters repeatedly say that a core experience of their enlightenment was that they experienced how their own person recedes completely into the background: YOU MUST Disappear.
It feels like this storm is going to sweep through all the doors, living rooms, and into the most secure rooms of our soul.
It challenges us to really let go and to get to the bottom of our true selves.
Last year I saw the various points of light and illumination that cover the globe like a spider’s web. I think that has taken place, I have let myself be guided by this vision. I suspect that this will intensify in the coming year. People will have to come into contact and communicate with each other, coming from a wide variety of worldviews and parties. They will meet each other on their path and make contact, learning to hear and understand each other on a whole new level. Their common orientation: to discover and realize the peace matrix within themselves and in the world.
I have the feeling that the time for world views is over and the question for us is whether we are willing to connect fully with cosmic reality? Are we willing to find the coherence that will arise from this source by itself?
For all of us, it is about reconnecting with our cosmic soul and with our spirit, as they want to vibrate and work in the Earth’s space.
Personally, I still find the living orientation towards the plan of the Healing Biotopes to be very important. This resonates with my vision of how this earth would like to be inhabited by decentralized peace communities. But here too, it is about freeing ourselves from ideological notions and getting to the spiritual essence.
In this context, I see that the Ring of Power continues to be carried forward and can help to deepen our networked intelligence. Personally, I am currently very challenged to be there for my life partner as best I can, so I don’t want to promise more than that I will continue it. Thanks for the many responses. We will discuss the exact form here in Tamera in a team.
It is now very important for all of us to strengthen the light web, where we are unconditionally willing to look into the deepest dark zones within ourselves and in the world, not to be frightened, and from there to see what reality of healing wants to reveal itself from the darkness.
Unfortunately, our unresolved aspects like to hide in these dark areas. And so here too, it is not the darkness that is evil, but unrecognized forces can hide particularly easily in the darkness. It makes profound sense that the healers of indigenous cultures often grew up in the dark for years to learn how to see the light in the dark, or that sacred masters were found in caves.
When I went into meditation during the rough nights with the question: can you see the image of the healed earth, then it was surprisingly easy. It felt like a certain rebirth had already taken place.
And at the same time I saw how the storms continue to sweep through us and the world. Everything that no longer serves life on this earth will be transformed or swept away.
And the more we want to hold on to the old, the harder it becomes. Even the word new is often imbued with old ideas. We may use the word new less, but get ready. I can see that as a general preview.
In the “12 Nights” , we walked with the 13 moons. 13 is a magical number.
In the upcoming webinar at the end of January, I would like to focus on the theme of the year together with you. What accompanies us as the 13th wish. I can also say what the 13th fairy is, who will help us if we recognize her. She will teach us to deal with chaos in such a way that a new order can emerge from it.
For a long time, 12 was the number of order. But it also stands for patriarchal structures.
The number 13 was feared – the number of chaos, because it could destroy order.
At the same time, Nietzsche said: “One must still have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star.” The more chaos the new systems can integrate, the more stable they will be. Chaos is a primordial goddess – she will help us to go through the change.
So I invite you all to the webinar on January 26. Thank you for your cooperation.
May the higher powers come to us because we have opened up and are waking up.
The world will probably continue to be turbulent, wars will escalate, the conflict over artificial intelligence, the issue of racism, the gender issue, they all lead us to key points where the question remains: do we reign or can we really listen?
Everywhere the conflicts will come to a head. For all those who are ready to really look inside, help will come. Connected to the cycle of life, connected to the cycle of coming and going, but above all connected to the cycle of this earth and its soul vibration, we will get the strength we need.
What felt hostile may suddenly become a friend.
Our dark sides, if we insist on them, will come to the fore naked and unvarnished, and we will be asked:
Are you ready to recognize – do you want to see? Inside and out – what needs and wants to come to light here and change?
Stay in contact, don’t give up. Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your shadows either, don’t judge them, but look. Behind every shadow lies a true essence hidden.
Take your shadow side to you like a child, to carry it to where the shadows can change, so that the new birth of your essence, your true self, can take place unhindered on all levels.
May we succeed in this together! I wish us a successful year!