“When I have entered your life, focus your attention on the question: What wants to be born anew in you or in your environment?” How can you best support this process? Where do you need my help?
My integration into the cosmic reality is my infinite stream of power from which I can always draw. I am connected to the cosmic mother with an invisible umbilical cord and receive my instructions on what to do from there. I find my source in the space of universal love. “This never dries up”…” is how the archetype of the wet nurse who has accompanied us spiritually this week presents herself.
I was intimate with Aida Shibli and Frederik Weihe´s journey to Palestine this week.
I held a God point about our encounter with Fayes Taneeb in Tulkarem. He became a peace activist who carried the vision of a free Palestine deep in his heart and a vision of true nonviolence. On the same day, Aida called me, who met Fayes and his wife Mona in Farkha, an eco-village in Palestine. He was highly committed to turning his village, through which the wall runs directly, into a peace research station.
When I hear now what has happened in his life, that he can no longer enter his own land, that his greenhouses have been burnt down, I have no more words.
There is only an outcry! God, why are you allowing all this to happen! Knowing that this humane God does not exist without the truly humane human being.
With the shattering news, it is not easy to stay with the vision and focus on the healing power. The moment we forget that the pain is the pain of birth, it becomes unbearable.
At the same time, Israelis and Palestinians held an event in memory of the Nakba that was so touching!
A few days ago, our longtime member Aida Shibli co-hosted the commemoration of the 76th anniversary of the “Nakba” with Combatants for Peace. A powerful and moving event with testimonies, speeches, music and poetry – in a time of extreme polarization and war, one of the few spaces where Palestinians and Israelis come together to bear witness, mourn, heal and dare to find a way forward together. It was a collective energy to usher in a new era!
Here in Tamera, we accompanied the event from the cultural center. May the power of vision gather within us and may we remain calm enough to really hear what the whole wants from us right now!
Foto: Christo Meierhöfer