We had drawn the card “Alemendres” for last week, reminding us that each region carries an original piece of wholesome information.
The University of Resistencia had many indigenous representatives here in San José, all of whom have suffered and continue to suffer a similar history of oppression and persecution.
They all radiated a certain calmness, contemplation and strength. They were calm and in solidarity with the community and also took part in the mass, even though they themselves do not belong to any Christian religion.
It was touching to see how they all remembered their original roots.
The connection between earth rights and human rights is a matter of course for them. They join forces with the farmers and stand up for a new humanity. For them, human rights, water rights and earth rights belong together and form a unity. Although they see that there is hardly any chance of implementing real reforms under the current legal system, they go their own way clearly, resolutely and also quite fearlessly.
They integrate their lives into the whole, bear their pain with dignity and are aware of the great importance of community. “If we really bring our lives into harmony with nature, it will protect us.” When they see that we Europeans are also beginning to reflect on this basic fact, they feel strengthened and also recognized. They do not have the intellectual arrogance that many Western cultures have made their characteristic, but they appreciate the power of thinking and recognizing. Every real thought takes us back to our origins and transforms our lives.