Diary entry on the Ring of Power by Sabine Lichtenfels from 05.01.2024

Diary entry on the Ring of Power by Sabine Lichtenfels from 05.01.2024

We have drawn the Almendres card – this is the third time we have drawn this card in the last few weeks – it represents the reconnection with the prehistoric peace knowledge of the region in which we live. In Portugal, it is the stone circle of Almendres.

Again and again it reminds me: find the intact image of how this earth wants to be inhabited. Find the “indigenous”, i.e. original images that are inherent in humanity like an entelechial force and in which the knowledge for a future worth living is stored.

I have often been to the stone circle – I would have loved to go straight to Almendres.
“Anyone who understands the essence of a community recognizes the organizing principle for a humane future. War and crime reign on this earth because community knowledge has been destroyed. This knowledge needs to be rediscovered.”
Sometimes this statement seems so central to me and I wonder why it has been so forgotten.
We had a moving mourning ritual here in Tamera, many tears were shed, it was as if the whole organism was being cleansed so that we could once again experience the original community spirit in all its purity.
Something that uplifts us and behind all the personal pain and traumatic experiences, the pure image of a natural form of community shines through.
Thank you for this experience and thank you to everyone who held this ritual so wonderfully.