Invitation to join this meditation: What can be our contribution to ending the war in the Middle East?

Invitation to join this meditation: What can be our contribution to ending the war in the Middle East?

Hello everyone!

We would like to call and invite you to a special kind of meditation on 22.12.2023 at 16 h CET for about one hour.

At this time, some peace workers from the international network of Tamera in different countries and continents will go to special places to connect as deeply as possible with the question: What can be our contribution to ending the war in the Middle East? We assume that there is an answer to every question in the universe. But it takes a high and collective energy to be able to hear this answer. Perhaps an action will result, perhaps this act alone will be enough to bring about a “miracle” in the Middle East.
We would now like to invite you to help build this high energy. We thank all those who take the time to go into silence at the same time as this international group (22.12. 16 h CET) and connect with the light and the omnipresent power of peace. In this way, we will build an energy carpet together, so to speak, on which the “download” to this question could succeed.
Please invite your network to join us! The inspiration for this action came to us through Dieter Duhm’s current statement on the Middle East. That is why we are attaching this statement once again and asking you to send it along when you forward the invitation.
Because despite all the resignation and despair triggered by the renewed escalation of violence in the Middle East, there is still the “sacred matrix” that Dieter Duhm describes so impressively, i.e. the reality that can reignite our faith again and again.
Or as Dhyani Ywahoo describes it at one point: “Our elders speak as if we could stop the bombs from exploding. Over the years, I have come to realize that this is true.”
We would like to thank everyone who can help with this possible “miracle” and wish you a peaceful festive season!

Sabine Lichtenfels and Monika Alleweldt

PS: We will of course announce the result of this campaign on the website: will probably take until the beginning of January)