Diary entry:  Ring of Power from October 10th, 2024

Diary entry: Ring of Power from October 10th, 2024

Back from the vigil.

Devotion was the topic of the previous week.

In connection with the Nonviolence International project, some of us went on a vigil.

It felt good to enter into silence. I spent three days and three nights at our hermit’s stone and repeatedly sat for four hours at our fire in a vigil to connect with the power of peace despite all the turmoil in the world.

The “Nonviolence International” initiative wanted to show that violence can never be the answer. During July 6th and September 8th, actions were carried out in various places around the world, and they wore black ribbons on their arms as a distinctive mark. “Let us remember the sacredness of every life, mourn those who have lost their lives as a result of decades of violence and oppression, and recognize those who are suffering today: those who have lost loved ones, who have been injured, kidnapped or displaced, whose homes have been destroyed and who are suffering from hunger and disease.

The initiative should also challenge the common belief that everything began with October 7 and thus justifies everything that happened afterwards.

In Tamera, there have been various initiatives in solidarity with this action. Personally, I will support this process with a small group through a peace vigil. Some of us will be in silence and fasting during that time.

On October 6, we lit the fire at sunrise to always remember that we can only access the peace matrix in cooperation with the invisible and visible forces of this earth. What is most obvious to me is increasingly developing into an unworldly view of things in the world. War seems to be becoming the norm, and the belief that it can only be ended by force of arms is becoming the “norm”. On the outside, the destructive urge seems to know no bounds. The path within must be all the more radical to match these forces. Again and again I am reminded of Etti Hilleum’s words:

“The misery is truly great; and yet, often late at night, when the day behind me has sunk into the depths, I walk with springy steps along the barbed wire, and then it wells up again and again from my heart – I can’t help it, it is just the way it is, it is of elemental power: life is something magnificent and great, we must build a whole new world later – and we must counter every further crime, every further cruelty with a further piece of love and kindness that we must conquer within ourselves. “We may suffer, but we must not break under it”.

It is an outcry of life from the human heart. In this sense, the devotion card was helpful to me. It was not easy, and when the mind wanted to slip into quarreling and “disagreeing” with the reality in which we live, I was always led back to the acceptance of what is, in order to find the inner radicalism that we need right now. Radical – the word means to me: going to the root.

So I sat at my hermit’s stone, visited by wild boars and other animal friends, often in the rain.

I was connected to the question: How do inner work, meditation and relief work best connect at the moment? The belief that with very little people you can penetrate to a point where we have a healing effect on the whole has become thin and needs new inspiration and sources of knowledge.
For now, I am focusing my attention on my upcoming trip to Colombia.

Personally, I am already involved in preparations for the Rauhnächte, a period of twelve days around the winter solstice when we celebrate the twelve months of the year. I will use this time to build a common field of reflection and also offer an online course for it, where you are cordially invited to participate.


The Guest – how surprising this card was.

I interpreted it very simply. First of all, it made me aware of the wonderful guests currently living in Tamera.

I simply took time in between, outside of the many things that need to be done, just for wonderful conversations and contacts.

And soon I will be in the role of the guest myself. I used the week to prepare for my upcoming trip.

I will travel to Colombia together with Andrea Regelmann, Katja Müller and Elisa Garcia and visit the peace community San José de Apartado, where two members were murdered in spring. I personally know of no other community that has dealt with the topic of non-violence as consistently as they have, and that in a situation that is very threatened from the outside. We have been working with them for about 20 years, they have inspired us to the vision of the Global Campus. We will celebrate the “Global Grace-day” there on November 9th and invite you all to connect with meditation on this day as well.

We will provide more detailed information at a later date.

After that, I will travel with the Defend the Sacred Alliance to the Arhuacos in Santha Martha in the Sierra Nevada to learn about indigenous peace knowledge.

I will make this journey in the name of Grace. I will write a diary regularly.

If you would like to support our political travels and activities, you can simply go to the website and donate, clicking on the keyword “political travels”.

We will gladly pass on to the peace community anything we don’t need for our expenses, which is currently very dependent on external support.

You can find more information about the peace community here:

Foto: Christo Meierhöfer