“How could it happen that I was repressed, disregarded and declared evil for centuries? I guard the most beautiful, the truest and most elementary secret of matter. I am the source of all life. Is it any wonder that war and destruction prevail on earth as long as the deepest and most beautiful secret – sexual desire – from which all children of mankind have emerged, has been condemned as diabolical?”
So says the text of the Map of Lust.
This week was originally dedicated to the Global School of Love. For many different reasons, this will not be able to take place, but some participants have traveled anyway.
We had a meeting where we discussed the meaning of the Global Love School. We talked about the unique experiences that have taken place in the School of Love and what a profound change has taken place since Corona.
It became clear once again how life-changing the Global Love School has been for many of us. Jeff said, “In the Global Love School I encountered my “true nature” for the first time and felt seen in it.
Those who know and affirm my sacred source know no fear of loss, no jealousy and no revenge, speaks the archetype of lust.
The wild boars show us every day how their sensual nature shapes their lives, including their social life: the great “you may.”
How far away are we from a culture of sensual love? And how much the unconscious driving forces create war is something we witness every day.
My soul remains faithful to the vision in which we have learned to end war because we know the secret of lust and have developed structures for it. Religion and Eros – two truths that want to lead us into a “different reality”.
Few have succeeded in uniting knowledge with lust. “But I wish that you remain cognizant in the face of my truth. I want you to remain a witness – even in the greatest lust.
With me you will immerse yourself in another dimension, the dimension of the body, where everything merges into a great cosmic embrace. Where everything changes, embraced by the arms of being. The sacred is also revealed in me. It is the primal secret of all lovers: And they recognized each other.”
What a journey still lies ahead of us!
Foto: Christo Meierhöfer