We have drawn the card “Transformation of the Warrior”.
The text from the book “The Stone Circle” on the archetype of the warrior is always challenging and inspiring for me. It says, for example: “Since I am no longer afraid, I know the courage to say no where I see injustice.”
Just finding out within ourselves where the fear still lies and why we remain silent out of fear is an enormous piece of peace work with ourselves. Fear has often become so subtle that we don’t even notice it.
Again and again, I can hardly believe how silent Germany is about its complicity in the genocide currently taking place in Gaza. It hits the traumatic wound of Germany’s past – and so the creeping fascism continues unrecognized through our social systems. But outrage makes no sense, it only fuels the fire.
We need to find words that open our eyes and make us see, a form of communication that truly breaks out of the mechanism of “attack and defense”.
A new political action is required from all of us, we cannot wait for governments – an action that comes from unity consciousness and can unite opposites.
With a small group in Tamera, we looked at the principle of opposites. Polarity is such a beautiful secret of creation when it is anchored in unity consciousness. If not, it leads to war.
Peace is not something shallow – peace is powerful, mighty, transformative down to the deepest cells.
Thanks to this week, to the power of spring, and the slowly returning health, to the sacred fire that burned in the center of our altar one night, to the men who engaged with the sacred masculine, to the women who looked for their true source, and to the ever-recurring discovery that we can only reconcile on the outside what we ourselves recognize on the inside.
Foto: Christo Meierhöfer