From the text: – continuity
“Every day anew, I consolidate the image of the whole earth, the image of the harmonious universe. Through this power, things regain their balance. I invite you to warm yourself with my light. “I invite you to join me in tending the fire of commitment…”
This is an excerpt from the text on the archetype of “continuity”.
I have followed the “habit” of penetrating the matrix of normality and perceiving the “sacred matrix” behind it.
My decision, which I made in meditation last Monday morning and also announced publicly, to wear white clothes and thus remind myself daily that peace can be a reality that exists parallel to the war matrix, has profound psychological effects.
I perceive much more subtly where subtle habits cause me to repress and where I habitually follow old patterns of behavior.
I consciously activate the inner child within me, which helps me to penetrate the unconscious layer of powerlessness and resignation and uncover the true innocence within.
People have registered on the Ring of Power to join in. I am strengthening the image in my mind that completely unusual networks of the heart will emerge from this, beyond party affiliation. I see the image of the “women in white” and pray for its manifestation. Women in front of the Brandenburg Gate, at the Holcaust memorial, in front of the embassies.
And so I ask myself every day: what serves peace today?
At the new moon, we tended a fire of gratitude – gratitude as a starting point for the power of compassion.
A particularly beautiful result of this week: following an intuition, I mediated between a journalist and Sami Awad, the founder of the organization “holy land trust” in Bethlehem, and if everything works out, his voice will be heard on the news today.
It guides me in this vision: to speak where others remain silent.
Overcoming enmity through compassion. Strengthening the belief that compassion alone has an effect, even when we feel powerless.
On Monday, Aida Shibli, who is currently in Palestine with Frederik Weihe, will speak in the Ring of Power. Medially, I was firmly connected to them through my white clothes.
May new images and decisions arise from this. We will understand the power of non-violence and learn to apply it, even in difficult situations.
Foto: Christo Meierhöfer